Collaboration With Tampa Floats Wellness Center

Given the heightened levels of stress that all of us are under, it's important to have several resources for addressing anxiety, trauma, and chronic pain that allow us to calm our nervous system and just rest. Floating is a great option for just that.

Florida Float Spa (Wesley Chapel) and Tampa Floats Wellness Center (Carrolwood) are owned and operated by Will Dietrich and offer floating and other services. Check them out as another resource to help get through this time.

Q: What is your name and title?

A: Will Dieterich / Owner

Q: What is the name of your business/organization?

A: Florida Float Spa

Q: Why did you open Tampa Floats Wellness Center?

A: To give people a chance to heal themselves with modern technology. Proving people a mental escape from stress was a main factor as well as losing a few friends to pharmaceutical overdoses.

Q: What services are offered at Tampa Floats Wellness Center?

A: Float therapy, infrared sauna, cryotherapy, air compression massage and PEMF mat

Q:  What happens during a float?

A: During a float the body slowly absorbs magnesium easing sore muscles and aches/pains. The anti gravity effect allows the back/spine to decompress and overall its an amazing physical recovery tool. Mentally you get a chance to unwind completely and drift off or focus on a particular topic without distractions or any stimuli.

Q: What do you wish people knew about floating for wellness?

A: How beneficial floating can be to helping mental health and also that it is a great tool for coping with anxiety, chronic pain and much more.

Q: What makes Tampa Floats Wellness Center unique?

A: Floating is a unique concept in itself but we have really tried to set ourselves apart in the industry my adding a lot of new services as well.

Q: How can people learn more and contact you? (Website, Phone, Social Media Platforms)

A: Our website has a great amount of info about all of our services but any of our staff is happy to answer and calls with questions.


Q: Share one fun fact about you that most people don’t know.

A: Most of my clients most likely aren’t aware I played professional soccer for close to 9 years all the way up to October 2019. That was one of the things that led me to discover floating. I’m still hoping to help the business recover and return to that career but time will tell.


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