What is ART?

ACCELERATED RESOLUTION THERAPY (ART) is an evidenced based, creative, brief therapy that uses smooth pursuit eye movements. It is procedural, there is a beginning and an end to each session, much like a story, and it focuses on images and sensations which are the root of thoughts and cognitions.  ART helps you to “keep the knowledge and lose the pain” which enables you to move forward from trauma, distress, and painful memories, or regretful circumstances. 

How do you do ART?

There are 3 requirements to do ART, 1- Move your eyes, 2- Hold a thought, 3- Motivation or a willingness to let go of guilt and a desire to move forward in a positive way.  As the client, all you have to do is sit back, follow your therapist’s directions, and commit to mental, physical, and emotional honesty.  It is a great therapy if you are stuck, have difficulty expressing or defining your distress, or have tried other approaches that have not been successful.  If you are worried about doing it right, you are doing it wrong….  

How is ART Different than traditional therapy?

ART involves less talk than traditional therapy, less reflection more direction.  You don’t spend time repeating yourself, going over your problem again and again; emotions and feelings are important, but relief and moving forward are more important.  In most cases ART involves fewer sessions, more progress, and you can feel it working the first time you do it.  ART trains the brain to respond differently to trauma, distress, triggers, bad memories, or regretful circumstances.

Give us a call at 813-434-3639 to be set up with one of our ART trained clinicians, and come see for yourself how much of a difference Accelerated Resolution Therapy can make.


Collaboration With Green Book of Tampa Bay


Book Corner: Between The World And Me By: Ta-Nehisi Coates