Using Mindfulness to Spread Positivity


This time has been one that has been hard for probably all of us. It is a time of uncertainty and changes to our normal schedule.  With all the focus on negativity I want to shift our perspective and help us focus on some of the positive aspects in our life through the use of mindfulness.

  1. I want us to normalize how we feel. It is okay if you are feeling sad, angry, or nervous. This post is not to say you should not feel that way. We have had some big changes to our life and there is not right or wrong way to feel. This is the first step to positivity.

  2. Notice what emotions you are experiencing in the moment. You can notice how it feels in your body. Maybe you are noticing heaviness in your chest or maybe nervousness in your stomach. Notice how you are feeling in your body to help you determine what emotion you are experiencing in that moment.

  3. Take time for self care. Self-care is a necessity not a luxury. When you determine how you are feeling in that moment, determine what you need to do for yourself. Maybe you need to take time to get some fresh air or maybe take time to listen to music or call a friend. Self-care is a way to help you feel more grounded and a way to help handle stress around you to stay positive.

  4. Recognize what is inside your control. I want to normalize that there are factors right now that are very much outside our control and it is completely okay that this does not feel good. I want us to take time to recognize what is in our control. Maybe it is being able to cook your favorite meal or being able to choose what news and media information you watch and take in. Keep up the positivity!

  5. Take time for gratitude. This is something I struggle with. Take time in the morning or throughout the day to recognize what is going well. It can be that you have more time to spend with your family or this has given you a chance to slow down. If you are working during this time take time to give gratitude that you have a job during this chaotic time. We all have different reasons to express gratitude. I encourage you to take time to figure out what it is that you feel gratitude for.

  6. Try to recognize your areas of strength or something you did well. Maybe it was taking a shower today, being able to communicate without arguing with your partner that day or recognizing that you are really good at a certain skill. 

  7. Take time to incorporate creativity. If you have more free time this is a great time to try to add some fun and creativity into your life. Brene Brown discusses how creativity can help us with being more authentic and living a more wholehearted life.  This can look like playing music, drawing, crafting or some other outlet that allows you to express yourself.

All these points are not to say you have to be positive. It is a way to help take time to stop our brain from focusing on all the negative stimuli we are taking in and take time to foster some positivity, creativity and calmness. I hope everyone during this COVID-19 time is staying safe and taking care of you! You can reach out to by us by calling 813-434-3639 to schedule an appointment with Jennifer Schaap!


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Collaboration With Creative Beginnings Doula and Holistic Services