Collaboration With Creative Beginnings Doula and Holistic Services


Pregnancy and parenthood can be special times of excitement and anticipation.  But they can be equally challenging as new parents try to navigate through all of the information thrown at them to try and find what works best for each family.  And when you throw in challenges like anxiety, depression, and the strain that becoming new parents can take on relationships, this time of pregnancy and new parenthood can quickly become overwhelming.

That's where Doula and postpartum support comes in. Join us in our conversation with community member Teresa Jennings from Creative Beginnings Doula and Holistic Services about help for pregnant and postpartum parents.

We went ahead and asked them a few questions, Their responses to those questions are listed below!

Q: What is your name and title?

A: Teresa Jennings Birth/Postpartum Doula

Q: What is the name of the business/organization you represent?

A: Creative Beginnings Doula and Holistic Services

Q: What led to the creation of Creative Beginnings?

A: A desire to support families through birth and postpartum period. Remind them to take charge of their experience and teaching to advocate for themselves and their babies. Give them back their right to birth in their own way and to trust their bodies.

Q: What kind of help does Creative Beginnings provide to the Tampa Bay Area and beyond?

A: Birth Education, Prenatal and Labor Support. Postpartum Care to help with the healing process, provide non-judgmental parent support to families as they adjust to their new parenting journey. Postpartum care varies based on each family's specific needs, I am also a certified CPR instructor so I train parents in Infant CPR. I offer private newborn care classes.

Q:  How do people sign up for Breathe In, Baby's Out Postpartum Support Group?

A: You can find us through a Face Book Search here.

Q: What do you wish people knew about the postpartum period?

A: It is just as important as the pregnancy and birth. You need support and its okay to ask for it. Its an important time for you and the baby.. The entire family has to adjust to a new normal. As hormones change your support team and you have to be mindful of postpartum depression. Parents must be realistic with their expectations during this period. Be open to change and adjustments. Social media tricks us into thinking all things are great once you have a baby, but in reality "****" gets real fast. SELF-CARE is so important. Communication with your village when you need time and don't feel bad for asking for a moment. " You cant pour from an empty cup" be kind to yourself and the healing journey.

Q: What makes Breathe In, Baby's Out unique for new moms?

A: It gives them time away from the family to come do some yoga and then spend a little time with me and talk about specific topics of Postpartum that no one wants to talk about... Its a non-judgmental space of support and care. The goal of this new program is to support moms through first year. We need help far longer than the standard 6 weeks as you navigate the stages of baby care and your healing. The program is in its beginnings stages..we are working hard to make it an awesome experience

Q: How can people learn more and contact you? (Website, Phone, Social Media Platforms)

A: My new website is under revision ... I can be found on

Facebook: Creative Beginnings Doula and Holistic Services

Instagram: @CreativeBeginningsDoula

Phone: 813-330-8321

Q: Share one fun fact about you that most people don’t know.

A: I love Country Music!


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