The Top 3 Myths about Couples Intensives and Marriage Intensives in Tampa


I’ve noticed that there are a lot of misconceptions about marriage therapy and couples intensives as I talk with couples in the Tampa Bay Area and beyond.  Unfortunately, these inaccuracies tend to keep people from getting the help and making the changes that they deserve in their relationship — the exact changes they’re looking for to deepen their connection and bring the happiness they’re looking for!  So, let’s take a closer look at some of these myths!

Myth #1 :

We’re the only ones who have these problems.

In a world of glossy social media posts that have us comparing our messy insides to everyone else’s glossy outside, it’s easy to think that your struggle is unique.  And, certainly, every story has its unique details, but the struggles that couples face are universal... a desire to communicate more effectively, to be seen and supported by our spouses, to have someone to not only connect with deeply, but someone to play, dream, and grow with.

Myth #2 :

We’ll figure things out on our own.

Well, if this were the case, wouldn’t you have figured it out by now??  The unfortunate reality is that, because most of us don’t have a “Relationship 101” Class that we’ve attended, we’re often left grasping at straws, desperately trying to figure this whole marriage thing out!  You wouldn’t expect yourself to know how to put together a rocket ship, so why expect that you wouldn’t need support in something as important as your relationship?!

Myth #3 :

Our relationship is too far gone... we’re beyond help.

This is such an unfortunate myth, because it too often becomes a reality.  The fact of the matter is that life is hard and messy, and very often the messiness comes out in our relationships — affairs, sleeping in separate bedrooms, living together like roommates.  One of my favorite parts about what I do is that I get to be a fierce hope-holder for people who think they’re beyond help. Beyond hope. If each of you are willing to do the work (or even open to being willing to be willing), big changes can come for your relationship.  But you won’t know until you try!


I hope this helps dispel some of the myths you and your partner might have about getting help for your relationship through a couples intensive and marriage therapy in the Tampa Bay Area.  If you still have questions, call 813-434-3639 to schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation so you can get some clarity about if our couples intensive would be helpful for your relationship. 

You can read more about how I help couples in the Tampa Bay Area and beyond through Couples Intensive and Marriage Therapy by checking this out!


The Top 3 Truths about Couples Intensives and Marriage Therapy in the Tampa Bay Area


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