The Top 3 Truths about Couples Intensives and Marriage Therapy in the Tampa Bay Area

Sometimes, by the time couples contact me about getting help in their relationship, they’ve already weeded through some of the Top Myths about Couples Intensives and Marriage Therapy in the Tampa Bay Area.  They realize that their friends have similar problems, that they could benefit from getting professional support and coaching, and they recognize a glimmer of hope in their relationship if they were to do that, but sometimes couples miss some of the truths about what can come when they schedule a Couples Intensive and Marriage Therapy, so here’s what you don’t want to miss out on...

Truth #1 :

Couples talk more (about the things that really matter!)

A good 95% of the couples that call our office say that they want to improve communication skills in their relationship. What they don’t realize is that they are communicating, just not in the way they want about the things they want.  Couples know how to communicate about the grocery list and kids’ schedules, but what really want is to be able to talk about the big things, the hard things, and the important things (like money, sex, and the future) without things falling apart. Our Couples Intensive gives you tools to be able to have these kinds of conversations. 

Truth #2 :

The relationship becomes a safe place to land again

For most couples, the hard interactions, the harsh words, the withdrawing and hurtful behaviors naturally lead to walls going up, defenses engages, and attack mode at the ready. Our intensive helps to heal these wounds so that your relationship becomes a safe place for each of you to land. (And isn’t that security part of what drew you together to begin with??)

Truth #3 :

There’s a return of laughter, playfulness, and sex!

With the responsibilities of career, family, and kids, it’s no wonder that the to-do list smothers out fun in our relationships. Add the difficulties of having the important conversations and the walls that come from our relational wounds, and there’s little room for the essential fun!  But, when given time and an environment that fans those embers, they can quickly return. And you’ll be surprised at how much you’ve been missing them!


Hopefully, this list gives you some idea of just some of the benefits of a Couples Intensive in the Tampa Bay Area. If you and your partner would like an idea of how your relationship would benefit, call 813-434-3639 to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation. You can read more about how I help couples with Couples Intensives and Marriage Therapy here!


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The Top 3 Myths about Couples Intensives and Marriage Intensives in Tampa