Top 10 Reasons Men Seek Therapy

Top 10 Reasons Men Seek Therapy

If I just said Sex, Family, Money – we could probably wrap it up and call it a day, and while I genuinely believe men are simple, many issues are complex. In today's blog, we will be going over the top 10 reasons men seek therapy.

  1. My wife, girlfriend, significant other, wants to me to… We will classify this one as Relationship Issues

    Let’s cut to the chase here  

    • Is your relationship worth saving? 

    • Are they willing to come with you?

    • At Harper we are relationship experts, We can help! 

  2. Sexual and intimacy issues 

    • We provide a great environment to work through this.  It’s a safe no judgement environment.

    • Many things can play into sexual and intimacy issues… Desire, performance, fetish, or porn are just a few.

    • Men need and environment that is guilt free, healthy, mindful, and responsible,  to satisfy the needs of you and your partner 

  3. Infidelity / Affairs / Cheating Spouse

  4. Divorce

  5. Family issues

    • Family planning and fatherhood 

    • Behavior problems at home

    • In-laws, relatives, and aging parents

  6. Work issues

    • Well, someone at work… stop right there, let’s consider this work problems

    • There is one simple question here - How important is your job to you and your family?

    • Whether it is a confidential executive consultation, problem with a colleague, loss of a job, or you feel stuck or ineffective… We can help

  7. Midlife crisis, Life Stage issue, Adjustment

    • I ain’t as good as I once was

    • This often impacts work and family

  8. Alcohol / Drug / Addiction problems

    • There are about a million reasons why people drink and there are about a million corresponding behavioral problems that are a result of drinking

      • The reasons people drink are often very complicated and highly personal    

      • There are 3 classifications here; use, abuse, addiction

        • Use and abuse can be effectively treated in an outpatient setting

        • Addiction frequently requires medical intervention or supervision

        • If you think you are using too much, you are right.

        • If someone else tells you that you are using too much they are probably right.

        • Therapy can help you understand why you drink, resolve the underlying problems, and practice new behaviors 

  9. Anger Management – love the show, and maybe Charlie Sheen is winning, but

    • If you find yourself losing control, striking out at others, or engaging in at-risk or destructive behaviors

    • Well simply stated you need to stop or you should be locked -up

    • We can help you get it under control, own it, make amends, and use it to move in a positive direction 

    • Just a note on court ordered anger management:

      • If you are at this point, rock bottom is near, check yourself, 

      • We are not going to sign off, and give you a note, certificate of completion, or clean bill of health, if you just show up and go through the motions

      • We can help, if you are ready to invest in yourself and make changes

  10. Mental health issues

    • It is truly frightening that this is last, but many men will go down with the ship or out in a ball of fire before they get help

      • Don’t be that guy

      • Trauma is real

      • Depression is real

      • Anxiety is real

      • You are not broken or weak

      • We can help.

Over the next few weeks we will be addressing each one of these topics individually and in more detail, so stay tuned, like us, bookmark us, or even better – give us a call on 813-434-3639! If you're looking for solutions for your problems let Chris Long help you find your path to hope, growth, and healing.


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Men's Issue With Therapy