Men's Issue With Therapy

Men's Issue With Therapy

This just in… in today’s social, political, and economic climate, it is not always easy to be a man.  Hold on wait a minute, before you take that quote and use it out of context, the intent here is not to be insensitive to the plight of others, or discount the advantages age old double standard or good old boys network. It’s just that regardless of age, color, or orientation, a man’s life experience, sense of emotionality, vulnerability, and sensitivity is different than a woman's. Not better, or worse, different. Different is good, different is real, different needs to be acknowledged in therapy, and men's issue with therapy shouldn't get in the way of that.

Therapy provides an opportunity for men to be emotionally honest, let down their guard, fix what they need to better understand others, and restore dignity and sensibility to their situation. It has been my experience that many men are able to challenge themselves in therapy and find the courage to be true to themselves, make necessary changes, and rise to the occasion.  Men can benefit from having a confidential, judgment free, private setting to explore the rapidly changing dynamics of what it means to be a man in today’s society. Men's issue with therapy shouldn't stop them from reaching out to get the much needed relief they deserve.

So, if you are experiencing any of the following, challenge yourself, find a professional and talk about it. You can give us a call at 813-434-3639.

  • Anger, Irritability, or Mood Swings

  • Relationship Problems or Family Problems

  • Indifference, Numbness, Avoidance, Feeling Disconnected

  • Problems with Intimacy or Affection

  • Lack of Productivity, Loss of Confidence

  • Fear, Anxiety, Indecision


Top 10 Reasons Men Seek Therapy


Book Corner: Eight Dates