What is Trauma?

What is trauma?

From "shell shock" to "battle fatigue", it's easy to see why Post Traumatic Stress has been linked to combat. But what about all of the people who experience symptoms of trauma who haven't been in combat? What is trauma? Let's take a look!

By definition, trauma is "a deeply distressing or disturbing experience" (www.dictionary.com). These are events where your own safety and well-being, or that of someone you care about, is at risk. It's a natural response to unnatural situations. So, at Harper Therapy, we view trauma not as a "disorder", but as a memory and nervous system problem.

You see, if you were taking a walk in the woods and came across a stick, your brain would process that information and file it away in long-term memory storage. Take that same walk and come across a poisonous snake, and your brain files that away in the "fight, flight, freeze" part. Which makes sense, because your brain's job is to keep you alive, but now that "fight, flight, freeze" response is triggered any time you come upon a situation that looks like, smells like, tastes like, or feels like that event - even if there is no snake and no threat!

So what are some examples of traumatic events? Watch this video and read more below...

  • car accidents

  • assault/sexual assault

  • robbery and break-ins

  • childhood abuse and neglect (physical, emotional, psychological)

  • immigration

  • divorce

  • the death of a loved one

  • a medical diagnosis or negative experience with medical care

  • domestic violence (physical, verbal, psychological)

  • major life changes

So what can be done? Well, generally speaking, these things don't "just go away". No matter how deeply we might try to bury them, they come bubbling to the surface in one way or another - panic attacks, nightmares, flashbacks, and usually it comes out sideways in our relationships.

That's why our team specializes in helping people recover from these events to find hope and healing. Find out more about our trauma services, including Accelerated Resolution Therapy.


Our highly trained, highly skilled team includes Alina (top left), Yiara (top right), Chris (bottom right), and Yolanda. Call 813-434-3639 to schedule your trauma resolution appointment.


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Novus Medical Detox Center