Do you need professional help for your anxiety?


You've been doing quite a bit of reading and research lately.  Now you know that what you've been feeling is, in fact, anxiety.  You have a better understanding about what is happening in your brain and with your nervous system with your anxiety.  Now you're wondering, Do you need professional help for your anxiety?

Generally speaking, by the time people start researching their symptoms and wondering if seeing a professional might be helpful, they've been suffering with their symptoms for a long time.  

An important first question to ask yourself is:

Am I tired of suffering?

At this point, you're probably realizing that your anxiety isn't simply going to go away, so that is a good indicator to reach out for support!Here are some other things to consider, along with do you need professional help with your anxiety:[embed][/embed]

How much of an impact is your anxiety having on your day-to-day life?

One of the ways we assess the problem is to find out how your life is different since your anxiety symptoms started.

Is anxiety impacting your work?

Are you missing days at work because of your anxiety symptoms?  Do you have a hard time focusing because of racing thoughts or because you're having to go to the bathroom with an upset stomach? Anxiety can impact our job, putting our livelihood in jeopardy.

Is anxiety impacting your relationships?

Are you isolating yourself or not talking with friends and loved ones?  Do the people who care about you tell you that you're acting differently?  Spacing out?  Irritable??  Anxiety can impact our most important relationships and keep us from leaving the house.

Are you sleeping more or less than usual?

Usually, anxiety is a big disrupter of sleep.  We toss and turn with racing thoughts.  Sometimes, the opposite can happen and we sleep longer but feel less rested.  Anxiety can impact sleep.

Are you eating more or less than usual?

Sometimes people find that they eat less when they're feeling anxious because their stomach is upset.  Other times, people find themselves "emotionally eating" without really being aware and mindful about what they are eating.  Anxiety can affect eating.

Are you having panic attacks, flashbacks, or nightmares?

These symptoms indicate that you definitely need professional help.  Call a skilled therapist right away. At Harper Therapy, we want to help you regain your life from your anxiety symptoms. Call our office at 813-434-3639 to schedule an appointment.


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