What If We Allowed Our Summer To Be Lax?

What if we allowed our summer to be lax? We chose to hang out around the house and show ourselves some self-compassion. When the summer starts to come to an end and the school year creeps closer, how do we say goodbye to summer and hello to reality?

As we think about the winddown of summer and the anticipation of the school year beginning, many parents ask when we should start implementing a structured routine again. Middle July is the perfect time to start looking at your schedule and developing your school year routine. At least two weeks before school starts is a great time to implement school year bedtimes and morning wake-up times. Transitions can be challenging for kids and adults. We all need time to adjust.

If we give ourselves time to test out the routine, we may find areas we need to tweak. This allows us to work through those glitches and find solutions before we are expected to have the routine down. Though the school year has more structure, it does not mean we forget the lessons we learned over the summer when we showed ourselves self-compassion. What can we take with us into the school year? Can we talk to ourselves the way we would speak to a friend? Are we able to regulate our emotions when feeling overwhelmed? When life gets extra stressful, we tend to forget the strategies we have learned.

At Harper Therapy, we can help you learn these skills as well as how to implement them into your daily life.

Please give us a call at 813-434-3639.


The Status of Mental Health


Height Of Your Summer Routine