Trust is Like a Marble Jar

In our upcoming Teens Girl Workshop on March 17 2022 at 1-5 PM, we will be learning some cool things.  One of those things is trust…


Bren`e Brown shares a story about her daughter’s teacher who has a marble jar in class. When the students make good choices, she puts marbles in the jar. When students make poor choices, she takes marbles out of the jar.


Trust is like the marble jar, we trust people who have earned so many marbles over time that the jar gets filled up.


How do people earn marbles? Each of us may have different behaviors that make us want to put marbles in the jar.


Some examples could be:

·       When someone checks in on me if they know I am having a rough day

·       Asks me to lunch

·       Is nice to my dog

·       Asks about my boys or my parents



The marbles represent typically small, intimate gestures of connection. Marbles are earned in small moments. Trust is built in small moments.


Everyone can identify who their marble jar friends are and how can they be a marble jar friend to someone they care about.


Do you have marble jar friends? 


How do we know you know when you can trust someone?


Call 813-434-3639 today to sign up for this upcoming teen girls group.


Making the Implicit Explicit- Helping Teens Know the Why Behind Things


BRAVING the Wilderness Girl’s Group