The Holidays Can Be Really Stressful

The mind, body, and spirit connection can negatively be impacted by the holidays. As previously mentioned, our thoughts can turn negative due to many reasons during the holidays. Besides our mind, our body can also experience negative impacts. Lack of sleep from worry or even late-night holiday parties begin to take a toll. Our exercise routines may be altered or become nonexistent. Eating habits can get out of whack due to overindulging in sweet or rich foods. We may even find ourselves drinking more alcohol than is typical. Besides these negative impacts on our body there is another impact that we must acknowledge, stress.

If you have taken a yoga class, you have heard that our hips hold our emotions. There is science behind the theory of our body holding stress and tension. Our sympathetic nervous system is engaged when we experience trauma causing our muscles to tense up. You can visibly see this tension by clenched fists and hunched shoulders. The truth is, if the tension is not released, our body will negatively react.

Because the holidays can be triggering, it is important to recognize how our body is reacting. What can we do to counterbalance the negative impact our body is feeling? 

  • Make sure you are allowing your body to rest and heal. Don’t forget about exercise routines that help you feel strong and help with stress reduction. Remember your leafy greens and the foods that help you feel healthy and nourished.

  • It’s ok to indulge but moderation is key. 

  • When it comes to stress or past traumas what are the healthy coping skills that you have used? 

If you feel as though you struggle with finding healthy coping skills, Harper Therapy can help you establish some. We can also help you work through the experiences that are coming up and making your body feel imbalanced.

Call Harper Therapy today at 813-434-3639.


Holidays Can Make Us Feel Spiritually Imbalanced


The Impact of the Holidays on the Mind, Body, and Spirit