In Grief, We Move From Awareness To Expression And Connection


After awareness of our grief, we move into expression.

In the work of Paul Denniston, he teaches that physical expression allows the pain to move through the body and be released.  A lot of the pain we experience when faced with loss is difficult to even describe and talk about.  So we use the body to be present to the pain we are experiencing and move it out through physical asana.  Some of the practices in the expression of grief work free us of the constraints and sadness, powerlessness, exhaustion, anger, doubt, regret, guilt, and confusion.  There are ways we can move our bodies to address these emotions, experiences, and patterns.

Next in Paul’s work is connection.  

Grief is an isolating experience, we hold and experience our grief in ways no one else does.  No one knows how you are feeling and that can lead to feeling very alone.  Part of healing is to move towards connection with ourselves, others, and whatever higher power you identify.  Some of the exercises in this part of the work include partner work so that the bereaved can be seen and held in their expression of grief.  In this part of the work, we work to connect back to ourselves, to find ways to offer compassion, forgiveness, and presence to ourselves.  There are some asanas that encourage the connection to ourselves in gentle and compassionate ways, that connect and encourage our connection to others, and that ask us to consider our connection to a higher power.

If you are struggling with grief and loss, Harper Therapy can help. Give us a call at 813-434-3639.


The Grief Paradigm of Surrender or Acceptance


We Numb Ourselves So Much It Is Hard To Deal With Our Grief