A Conversation with Susan McIntyre, LCSW about The Centre for Women

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Q: What is your name and title?

A: Susan McIntyre, LCSW, Director of Counseling and Wellness

Q: What is the name of your business/organization?

A: The Centre for Women, Inc.

Q: Tell us a little bit about your organization and its mission.

A: The Helen Gordon Davis Centre for Women is a nonprofit organization offering a diverse array of programs to help women in the Tampa Bay region to succeed both personally and professionally. Our programs and services encourage, educate and empower women and their families. The Centre's dedicated staff and loyal volunteers are involved in helping more than 3, 000 people each year.

Q: What client is the best fit for The Centre for Women?

A: Each program targets a specific population such as entrepreneurs, seniors, unemployed, at risk youth and women, men, couples and families who seek affordable counseling support.

Q: What's your favorite part about working for The Centre for Women?

A: Providing services to clients who might otherwise not be able to secure much needed counseling support. We also believe we are assisting in the prevention of mental health crises.

Q: What do you wish people knew about women rights?

A: We believe in equity and inclusion for all people.

Q: What makes The Centre for Women unique?

A: The Centre is a safe and welcoming environment with a rich history in the Tampa Bay community. We have our pulse on community needs and strive to create solutions to address people across the life span.

Q: How can people learn more and contact you? (Website, Phone, Social Media Platforms)

A: www.thecentre.org smcintyre@thecentre.org

Q: Share one fun fact about you that most people don’t know.

A: I am an avid animal lover and animal advocate and find my balance in nature.


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