Rising Strong From 2020: Individual Intensive for you and your business

We are counting down the final weeks of 2020, and it’s been a year like no other.  All of us are hoping that 2021 brings a fresh start, but if you’re a business owner, you are especially hoping to put this year to bed.

For many business owners, 2020 started off as a banner year.  There was growth, expansion, and the prospect of a record-setting year.  Then COVID hit and all of that changed, quite literally overnight.  With quarantine, shelter in place orders, and a drastic impact to the economy, business owners have found themselves having to pivot.  Then pivot again.   And again and again.  Hoping and praying to get loans and grants and figure out how to change complete business structure in a desperate attempt to keep the doors of your business open.  It’s been exhausting.

This scramble over and over again for survival is the very definition of trauma.  Add to that the grief of losing that growth trajectory, of the comfortable way that business was done before everything changed. Of comfort, safety, security.

And now, months into the world turning upside down, many business owners are realizing that some of those pivots, although they were essential for survival in the moment, are no longer helpful for the business or their own quality of life and peace of mind.  Like most coping mechanisms, what served an important purpose in the moment is no longer helpful.

If this sounds familiar, you might consider Harper Therapy’s Individual Intensive as you review the last year and make plans for 2021.  This two-day experience can help you process the events of the past several months, and move those things from the fight/flight/freeze part of the brain.  This allows you to move from being hypervigilant about your business to being vigilant -- alert and aware and able to make more wise decisions.  You’ll shift out of reactivity and into intention.  This process will also allow you to take a more balanced view of the future and you plan and set goals for the year to come.

None of us knows what 2021 will bring -- in fact, none of us could have anticipated what 2020 has been -- but this intensive process can help quiet some of the panic, help you sleep a little more soundly, and know you’re not alone in this journey. Call 813-434-3639 for a free consultation to see if this Intensive is right for you.


Holidays and Budgeting


To the Families of Addicted Loved Ones…