Tired of Being Roommates with Your Partner? Couples Intensives for Reconnection to Get You Through COVID


You and your partner have been like ships, passing in the night, for far longer than you care to admit.  Neither one of you loved feeling like you were roommates as opposed to a couple, but it seemed too hard to figure out how to make the relationship anything else so, you stayed busy with the kids and work and all of the things.

Until COVID hit and the world stood still.  That almost feels like the moment that the Titanic hit this iceberg.  All of the “coping strategies” to help you get through the pain of being disconnected from your partner have no longer been accessible to either of you.  Now, you’re in this weird dilemma where you spend hours and hours under the same roof but feel lonelier than ever.  

At Harper Therapy, we have created our two-day Couples Intensive to help you reconnect during a time when it’s more important than ever to have someone to turn to for support.  Our intensive is two days of focused time with relationship expert Yolanda Harper and your partner that  will help you to get a better understanding of what led to the disconnection in your relationship and tools to not only help you to reconnect, but to help keep the disconnection from happening again in the future.  You’ll learn a doable format for having the difficult conversions so that you don’t find yourself in a chronic state of resentment, piss-offedness, and loneliness.  You’ll remember what it’s like to play and dream together -- the things that made you fall in love with one another to begin with.


Now is the time to stop the sinking ship. Call 813-434-3639 for a free consultation to see if our Couples Intensive is the right fit for you and your partner.


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