When “Compartmentalizing” Doesn’t Work any More: Individual Intensives for Healing Trauma


You’ve spent your whole life on the hamster wheel, and have learned how to do it quite well.  You win awards, receive accolades.  You’re the best at your job.  Sure, you’ve been through some challenging times, but you’ve also been super successful in your life.  In fact, you’re proud of the way that you’ve compartmentalized those hard things.  Boxed them up.  Put them aside.  Buried them.  They don’t affect you.

Until the wheel slows down and you realize that you’re still trapped in the cage. And you’ve noticed that you’ve been a lot more anxious lately.  Maybe you’ve had a panic attack.  Your body is wrecked with gastrointestinal problems. You’re breaking out in hives. Your blood pressure is through the roof.

You’ve been having weird, distressing nightmares.  Or flashes of images or sensations that throw you in a tailspin.

You’ve been trying to figure out what’s caused these things to start spinning.  All of this has been pretty well contained and compartmentalized until now, after all.  Certainly, a few tips or tools or breathing exercises would do the trick.

Only, not really.  It’s all still there, bubbling under the surface.

This is what unresolved trauma looks like, what it feels like, the reality of living with it in the midst of the global trauma of a pandemic.

Where we haven’t had the same access to the same “coping mechanisms”.  Where we’ve been forced to slow down, and in the slowing down things start to percolate and bubble up.

I’m hearing it more and more as COVID19, quarantine, and social distancing continue.

And it’s scary as shit to face the things that you thought were well under wraps.  You’ve kept it there in an attempt to avoid opening Pandora’s Box.  But what you’ve realized is that you’ve been living in Pandora’s Box this whole time.

AND this is an opportunity to move beyond the “compartmentalizing” and “coping strategies” to bring real healing to these traumatic experiences.

This is why I created my one-of a kind two-day Individual Intensive for Healing Trauma.  Two days that will help open the door of the hamster cage and let the demons out.  Out of your head.  Out of your body.  Out of your relationships.

After a 30 minute consultation to make sure the intensive is the best fit for you, we will spend two days together, one on one (with the addition of my co-therapists, Therapy Dogs Toby and Hobbes).  Long sessions in the morning, with an extended lunch break, and long afternoon sessions.  Plus a two-hour follow up session.  Enough time to do deep work with impactful results. Read more about me here, or give our office a call at 813-434-3639 to set up a free consultation!


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