The Top 3 Truths about Individual Intensives and Trauma Therapy in the Tampa Bay


Sometimes, by the time individuals contact me about getting help in their relationship, they’ve already weeded through some of the Top Myths about Individual Intensives and Trauma Therapy in the Tampa Bay Area.  They realize the true impact of what they’ve experienced in their life, that they shouldn’t expect that they have to figure it all out on their own, and that there is a way to find hope, healing, and peace. But sometimes, people miss out on some additional truths about what can happen when they schedule an Individual Intensive and Trauma Therapy, so here’s more information…

Truth #1 :

You’ll feel more at ease in your body.

Have you ever heard the phrase “The Body Keeps the Score” (it’s actually the name of a phenomenal book!).  Our bodies have powerful ways of reminding us that we have unresolved things to address. Once we take the courageous step of doing so, the body can then release the grip and lessen experiences of anxiety, panic, depression, and nightmares.  You’ll experience a state of calm that you haven’t known in a long time.

Truth #2 :

Your relationships will improve.

One of the areas that can be most impacted by our anxiety, depression, and flashbacks is our relationships.  When we’re in struggle, our world collapses in, we isolate and all of our focus and energy is on coping. As we heal, we have a greater capacity for connection.  You’ll remember how much you missed being with the people that you love and enjoying yourself!

Truth #3 :

There’s a return of laughter and playfulness.

When is the last time you had a full-out belly laugh??  The last time you played a game with your kids? The last time you had the desire or energy to do either one (or do it authentically instead of going through the motions??).  Laughter and play is so healing, and you’ll be able to enjoy both again once your deepest needs have been tended to.


Hopefully, this list gives you some idea of just some of the benefits of an Individual Intensive in the Tampa Bay Area. If you would like an idea of how and intensive would be beneficial for you, call 813-434-3639 to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation. You can read more about how I help couples with Individual Intensives and Trauma Therapy here!


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