The Top 3 Myths about Individual Intensives and Trauma Counseling in Tampa


I’ve noticed that there are a lot of misconceptions about trauma therapy and individual intensives as I talk with couples in the Tampa Bay Area and beyond.  Unfortunately, these inaccuracies tend to keep people from getting the help and making the changes that they deserve in their lives. So, let’s take a closer look at some of these myths!

Myth #1 :

Other people have been through much worse.  I shouldn’t complain about my situation.

Life is definitely hard.  None of us gets to the end of our time on this planet without some sort of suffering.  However, the unique “flavor” of your suffering does not make it better or worse, easier or harder to face its impact.  Answer this question -- would you do anything in your power to protect a child or a beloved pet from having a similar experience to what you lived through??  If the answer is “yes”, then don’t you owe it to yourself to experience healing from the same?

Myth #2 :

I can work through it on my own.

Well, if this were the case, wouldn’t you have figured it out by now??  As a trauma therapist, I know better than to try to work through my own traumatic history!  You wouldn’t expect yourself to know how to put together a rocket ship, so why expect that you wouldn’t need support in something as important as hope, growth, and healing in your life?!

Myth #3 :

I’m too far gone... beyond help.

I’ve worked for the past decade with individuals who were so desperately afraid that this was true.  They came to me at the end of their rope, a desperate attempt after so much else had failed. One of my favorite parts about what I do is that I get to be a fierce hope-holder for people who think they’re beyond help.  Beyond hope. If you are willing to show up and do the work (or, even willing to be willing to do the work!), big changes can come for your relationship. But you won’t know until you try!


I hope this helps dispel some of the myths you might have about getting help through and individual intensive and trauma therapy in the Tampa Bay Area.  If you still have questions, call 813-434-3639 to schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation so you can get some clarity about if our individual intensive would be helpful for your life.  You can read more about how I help individuals in the Tampa Bay Area and beyond through Individual Intensive and Trauma Therapy by checking this out!


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