What to Expect from Individual Intensives in the Tampa Bay Area


You’re exploring your options for getting support for your symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares, depression.  Maybe you’re worried that things are on the verge of unraveling… one more bad job review or argument with your partner and your out of a job.  Or worse -- your most cherished relationships. Maybe you’ve got a sense of things being “off” that you just can’t shake. You want big results fast, and you’re wondering what you should expect from an individual intensive.

Individual and trauma intensives are focused and highly specialized therapy for individual who is looking to make a big change in a short period of time.  They are a good fit for a person who is feeling unsettled in their life. The person who is becoming more and more aware that the things that they have tried to keep under wraps are bubbling to the surface, often at unsettling rates and with alarming consequences.  Intensives are particularly helpful for busy individuals who would otherwise have a hard time coordinating weekly therapy sessions, as well as for individuals who feel an urgency to make change quickly.

Another benefit of intensive therapy is that it allows you to take a step away from the daily grind that keeps things feeling overwhelming.  Removing distractions is a big part of the healing that happens during an intensive.   

Harper Therapy’s Individual Intensive starts with meeting to get an understanding of what goals you’d like to focus on during your intensive.  We’ll explore your origin story of strength and struggle and how it’s impacting you today. We’ll begin putting together the tools you’ll need to heal from the past and move forward with confidence into the future.  As we move into the afternoon, we continue with the use of highly effective, cutting-edge therapies that target your greatest areas of challenge.  

After a day of deep and meaningful work, it’s time for rest and recovery.  You’ll choose an activity that imbeds and integrates the healing, calms your nervous system, and set you up for an evening of ease.

Day two is a continuation of healing, coaching, and tool-building, with a plan on how to continue the progress that you’ve made during the intensive.  Don’t worry, there are also scheduled follow-up sessions for fine-tune and tweak your news skills and adapt them to your everyday life!


Now, here’s my questions for you… As you’re reading this, right now, is there a part of you, deep inside, that is saying “This sounds GREAT!!”.  If so, pay attention to it. This means that your intensive is long-overdue. If you have questions about how you would benefit from an individual intensive, call 813-434-3639 to schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see how this can help you!


Mentoring Relationships


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