FAQs about Individual Intensives in Tampa


The Tampa Bay Area is a great place to live -- there are lots of opportunities to find the right neighborhood, great friends, a local gym, place to worship, everything you might need!

There are also plenty of therapists, counselors, coaches, and clergy to help you with your anxiety, panic attacks, and the impact of what’s happening in your relationships.. There are so many options, in fact, that it might be confusing to know which one is the right fit!  You’ve found a couple that seem nice enough, but you probably have a ton of questions. That’s totally normal!  

So, let’s talk through a few of the most common questions individuals have when they are looking for individual intensives in the Tampa Bay area:

  1. Is there hope for me? This has been going on for so long… Is it too late?  It’s amazing how much change and healing can come when people are open to doing the work and taking time to focus on improving their lives..  And the benefit of working in an intensive format is that big change can happen quickly, instead of dragging out over weeks and months. I’ve worked with individuals who have struggled for years.. Decades, even… and it’s amazing to actually see the physical changes that happen when people clear out their mental and emotional “baggage”.

  2. I’m not sure if things are “that bad”.  I keep things compartmentalized?? How would an intensive help me??  Truth be told,  we compartmentalize because we don’t know any better and don’t have any better tools.  Sometimes, we hope that compartmentalizing will make our problems go away. But, doing so just keeps blinders on and by the time we address the problems, things are on the verge of falling apart.  Recently, I hurt my finger. It was just a little cut, so I didn’t pay a lot of attention to it. But, before I knew it, it was infected, tender, and icky! At that point, it took a lot more time and energy for it to heal that if I had taken care of it from the get-go.  Don’t let your wounds fester and become bigger problems!

  3. I’ve tried individual counseling before and it didn’t work.  How is this different?? Sometimes, individual therapy focuses more on the “weed” of the problem than on the “root”.  Just like in your yard, the weeds are important to take care of, but it’s most effective to address them by the root.  The format of this intensive does that, which leads to much deeper healing and lasting change.  

  4. Wow, that’s a lot of money!  Is it worth it??  You’re right -- this is definitely an investment in your health, well-being, happiness, and your relationships!  Let’s put it in context -- How much money have you spent in trying to quiet that jagged edge of anxiety, panic, depression?  (What’s your running tab on the alcohol, shopping, netflix binges, etc?) How many hours of sleep have you lost to nightmares?  What would it be like to have that time, energy, those dollars, to joyful activities, connecting deeply with the people who are most important to you? Think about the things in your life that you’ve invested in -- your education, your car, your job, the latest iPhone.  Frankly, we value the things that we invest in. Should your health, your well-being, yours and your family’s future be any different?? 


I hope this answers some of the questions you have about individual intensives in Tampa.  If you still have questions, I’d be happy to chat with you and your partner! Call 813-434-3639 to schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation.  If you are ready to get help, find out what i can do for you with an individual intensive in Tampa here.


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