Men’s Relationships and the Value of Connection


When was the last time you picked up the phone and called an old friend because something was going on… Good, bad, indifferent, or maybe you can’t describe the feeling.  No fixing, no judgment, no excuses, just acknowledgement. The response was probably something like; “Dude”, “I hear you”, “Cool”, “I hate when that happens”, “You the man”, “Ouch”, or in the case of a good friend “wow, check yourself”.  Amazing, but for some reason you felt like some of the weight had been taken off, a little further away from your problem, or able to move forward and maybe even celebrate. Trust, connection, relatedness, from an evolutionary perspective, we are wired for the tribe.  Relationships are essential and connections enable positive brain chemistry.

Mental, physical, or emotional change, stress, or discomfort are interpreted as a threat to the mind and body and there is a biochemical response.  Expressing vulnerability while connecting enables us to contemplate the threat, manage the emotional response, and control the way the brain responds.  Think of it this way, connecting helps you to pair a negative with a positive giving your brain the opportunity to create a new neurological pathway to the thought, feeling, or sensation.  And, each time you practice it, the connections get stronger, faster, and you function better.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy can help you to learn to master the shift from fight, flight or force it, to relax, rest, and digest and connect on many levels.

So, get off your island, give us a call, we are here to help you connect and maximize performance. 

Yes, you are a role model. There is no shame in getting help to save yourself, your relationship, your family. Give us a call at 813-434-3639 to schedule an appointment! If you’re looking for solutions for your problems let Chris Long help you find your path to hope, growth, and healing.


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