Finding an Individual Therapy Intensive in Tampa


Isn’t the Tampa Bay Area beautiful??  From the beaches and outdoor activities, to sporting events, plays, and the mix of cultural activities, it’s truly a gem!  Except, when you’re swallowed up by feelings of panic, depression, nightmares, or simply the sense that something is “not right”.  When you find yourself isolating instead of enjoying, and you want to feel better quickly, you might consider an Individual Therapy Intensive.

If you’re looking for therapy that will make a big change in your life and ability to enjoy your days again, I’d like to help you find someone who can do just that!

I want to help you find an individual therapy intensive in Tampa

Many of us manage to get through the hard things life throws at us.  We learn how to dig deep, press on, hustle harder, compartmentalize. And that usually “works” (to a certain extent, at least!) until it doesn’t.  And when it doesn’t, it can feel like your whole world is quickly unraveling. Or, maybe you’ve been feeling like things have been “off” for so long, it’s hard to remember what “normal” might be.  When this is the case, how do you find someone to help?

Here are some tips:

  1. Don’t wait any longer!  Many people who are having these struggles have had them for 5, 10, 15 years, hoping that they’ll stay at bay.  That’s a long time to suffer! If you think you might need help, you do. 

  2. Take a look at potential therapists’ websites.  Does it feel like the therapist “gets” you and your struggle?  Are you wondering if they secretly have a camera, recording your life?  If so, that’s usually a good sign that the therapist is a good fit.

  3. Does an individual therapy intensive make sense for you?  Are you a busy person who would have a hard time making weekly sessions work?  Are things beginning to intensify to the point that it feels like things could crumble at any second?  Are you looking for big changes in a short period?  

  4. Take advantage of a free consultation to have any questions answered.


I hope this helps you find the right couples intensive in Tampa.  If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call our office at (813) 434-3639 to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with reclaiming your life, you can read more about how I can help.


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