Finding a Couples or Marriage Intensive in Tampa for Your Relationship

Couples Intensive

The Tampa Bay Area is a beautiful place to work, live, and play.  There’s a lot to do with your partner, when things are going well in your relationship — plays, concerts, sporting events, the beach!  But what happens if there’s so much tension in your relationship that you’d rather have a root canal than spend a few hours with your partner?  If you’re looking for therapy that will make a deep change in your relationship, I’d like to help you find someone who can do just that with couples intensives!

I want to help you find a couples intensive in Tampa

Anyone who’s been in a relationship for more than five minutes knows how difficult it can be.  Those days of looking deeply into one another’s eyes and sharing the depths of your soul have given way to disappointments, frustrations, arguments… and loneliness.  How do you find someone to help?

Here are some tips:

  1.  Don’t wait any longer.  Most couples suffer for an average of 7 years before they get professional help.  If you think you might need help, you do. 

  2. Take a look at their website.  Does it feel like the therapist “gets” you and your struggle?  If so, that’s usually a good sign that the therapist is a good fit.

  3. Does a couples intensive make sense for you?  Are you a busy couple who would have a hard time making weekly sessions work?  Are things beginning to intensify and you and your partner are looking for big changes in a short period?  

  4. Take advantage of a free consultation to have any questions answered. .

A free couples intensive consultation in Tampa 

I hope this helps you find the right couples intensive in Tampa.  If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call our office at (813) 434-3639 to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with your relationship, you can read more about how I can help with Couples Intensives.


My name is Yolanda Harper and I have both education and specialized training that are essential for effectively helping couples. With a decade of experience in this work and nearly three decades of experience with my own relationship, I'm passionate about helping couples reconnect. There is a way to be happier in your relationship. Call today to schedule you Couples Intensive.


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