Self Care Invitation

If there was one quote that’s how I want to live it’s this- “The cure for anything is salt water, sweat, tears or the sea” and here is the invitation I want to extend. Self-care, at its core, is about responsibility. Fierce self-care is radical self-responsibility. Anything in your life that is not working can be addressed through the salt of effort, grieving, or acceptance and sometimes all three.

Therapy offers you the space to consider what is working and strengthen it or challenge and do the deep work that is required for change if that is what’s called for. Sometimes therapy is trauma work, which often has a core component of tears and grief, letting go of what should or could have happened and working through the resultant effects. Therapy then allows for the work of letting it be- accepting what is and learning to let go of the resistance that no longer serves a purpose.

The invitation is to give yourself the time and space in therapy to heal, through effort, grief and finally acceptance and surrender and to live a life of fierce self-care.

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