What Does Online Therapy Look Like During COVID19?

During this time of COVID19, the global pandemic, and social distancing, many of our daily activities look very different.  We’re working online from home. Our kids are learning online from home. We’re celebrating birthdays online from home. Violin lessons, workout sessions, book clubs, and game nights are all happening online from home.  There’s now even talk about the need to celebrate graduations virtually. It’s been a long road already, and there’s still a need for several more weeks of doing many things online. And that includes therapy!

What Does Online Therapy Look Like?

For some of us, social media, online communication, and virtual meetings are the norm.  For the rest of us, moving our lives into the virtual world, and into our homes, is not our preference.  Well, one way or another, let’s face it, online communication is different, so is online therapy. This article is written for all, with the intent to help you maximize the benefit of online therapy. So, take a deep breath, embrace the change, and here’s what online therapy looks like…

  1. Find a spot.  Somewhere that offers some privacy, minimal distractions, and you need to be comfortable.

  2. Check your tech; you need an internet connection or strong WiFi/cellular signal, phone, tablet, or computer with a mic and video camera.  It may be helpful to re-boot prior to your session to make sure your system is clear and the mic/cam are dedicated to your session.

  3. Log on / log in.  You’ll have a link or invite to a secure video platform which will provide a digital waiting room and access to your therapist.  Ready, Set, Go -> Say, hi to your therapist. You’ll see your therapists smiling face on your screen.

  4. Dive in. Be real, Be yourself, Be present. Don’t  minimize your thoughts, feelings, or emotions, or avoid talking about them because you are at home. You can still work on, and make progress toward, your goals for therapy.

  5. Online Therapy is an investment in your health, well being, and future success.  

Does Online Therapy Work?

Yes!  Research shows that online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy!  In fact, the research shows that, regardless of whether you do therapy in person, online, or what specific type of psychotherapy is used, the most important component of effective therapy is your relationship with your therapist.  This is why we offer a FREE consultation -- so you can talk with your therapist before you start to feel out if it’s a good fit.

But I can’t find the time or space…

We understand how overwhelming all of the changes feel.  You’ve not only had to figure out how to work from home, but you’ve also had to figure out how to teach your kids and how to have some semblance of a social life still.  It might feel like there’s no time or space for therapy in the midst of all of it. But, you also know that the stress of it all isn’t going away and you need some support to keep your grounding through this.  Part of therapy is helping you find the time and space, as well as other tools that will get you through this. You and your therapist can problem solve together and create a strategy for this and other stressors that you’re facing.

I’ll just wait until we can meet face to face again.

We’re all eager for life to get back to “normal”.  But we simply don’t know how much longer we will need to practice social distancing, and you need help NOW.  The problems that you’re facing aren’t going away and will likely be compounded over the weeks to come, posing more, and more significant, problems over the long haul. 

Call 813-434-3639 to start therapy today.


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