Read This Before Paying $100s of Dollars on Neurofeedback Therapy

Read this Before Spending 100s on Neurofeedback Therapy

Read This Before Paying $100s of Dollars on Neurofeedback Therapy

When I google neurofeedback I almost constantly come across a particular article that is entitled “Read This Before Paying $100s of Dollars on Neurofeedback Therapy.” Of course, that in turn, makes me click on that article and read it. It is an interesting article written in 2013 about how Neurofeedback falls short on its promise of “enlightenment.” I am not quite sure what that means, but it does make me wonder about Neurofeedback as a therapy.

We have worked hard to present the areas that Neurofeedback can be used in therapy and never want to make promises beyond what can be quantified or experienced. I have come across great overviews of studies that really point toward promise and vast improvements in conditions utilizing Neurofeedback as a therapy. Just last week in our blog we pointed toward a few studies.

While looking at this article on “Read This Before Paying $100s of Dollars on Neurofeedback Therapy”, I came across another interesting article that was defending the use of Neurofeedback and the shortsightedness of the previous article itself. That is an article written by Stuart Black in the UK (United Kingdom) addressing the issues with Neurofeedback. That article is here Stuart does a great job of answering the questions raised by the author of the first article and showing the short comings of this criticism of Neurofeedback as a therapy.

We believe Neurofeedback has a future in mental health. We also believe it has been shown to be very affective in some cognitive therapy areas like ADHD and has shown to be ineffective in addressing other issues. Basically, as more and more studies are applied to Neurofeedback Therapy we are getting a better picture of what it really shines at.

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