Preparing for Your Neurofeedback Appointment

preparing for neurofeedback appointment

So, you’ve searched for alternative treatments to address your anxiety, depression, chronic pain, or brain injury /stroke. You’ve found that Neurofeedback is a great holistic, non-medicine option for helping with these symptoms. You’ve read about what a Brain Map is and what an EEG is. You’re excited and ready for your neurofeedback appointment but are still wondering about Preparing for Your Neurofeedback Appointment. Well, wonder no more.  In today’s blog, we help you in preparing for your neurofeedback appointment.

When preparing for your neurofeedback appointment, there are a few things to keep in mind. One important factor is to have little to no hair product in your hair. Hair product will interfere with the EEG recording and result in inaccurate results. Hair conditioner can also cause a similar abnormal result; therefore, it is best not to condition your hair for up to 24 hours before the appointment.  Note that we will use a “sugar scrub” that will help clean some of the hair product off of your scalp, but it’s best if there is little to none to have to remove.

If you wear contacts, it will be beneficial to wear your glasses during treatment sessions. Contacts dry out people’s eyes, which causes them to blink 2-3 times more often than people not wearing contacts. Blinks and other facial movements interfere with the EEG data collection, adding more “noise” to the signal and drowning out the neural activity.

Be comfortable and awake. As far as clothing goes, you should wear what ever is comfortable for you. Alertness is a factor that should be considered before arranging appointments. It is best to not be drowsy or, alternately, hyped on caffeine during the sessions. Drowsiness negatively impacts neurofeedback treatment by causing you to receive less feedback then you should, which ultimately prolongs the number of treatment sessions needed. Keep in mind you will be sitting comfortably for about an hour, just listing to music.  This can end up being a nice recipe for naps! If you are too drowsy during treatment, we cannot proceed. Additionally, try and avoid having caffeine directly before the session. Since caffeine is a stimulant it slightly changes your brain activity patterns that we are focusing on. However, being on caffeine is preferable to being drowsy. So, have the coffee if you need it!


  • Little to no hair product

  • Wear glasses instead of contacts

  • Wear comfortable clothing

  • Do not be drowsy

  • Avoid caffeine directly before.

Now that you've got tips on preparing for your neurofeedback appointment, the rest is easy. Once you get to the office, settle in and relax for your training session! It’s a simple as that. Call Harper Therapy at 813-434-3639 to schedule your neurofeedback session with Ben today.


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