What to Expect During Your NeuroFeedback Appointment


If you are considering holistic, non-medicine treatment for your anxiety, depression, chronic pain, head injury, or stroke recovery and think Neurofeedback is a good option, you might be wondering what to expect during your neurofeedback appointment.  Well wonder no more!  Today, we unlock the mystery of what you can expect during your neurofeedback appointment!

Neurofeedback sessions are quick and easy, lasting approximately one hour. When you first come into the NeuroFeedback room, your only job is to have a seat and watch a video of something you enjoy while I apply the EEG cap. This is the worst part of NeuroFeedback because I have to get your hair dirty! In order to accurately see your brain’s activity, I must use gel to make a connection from your scalp to each of the cap’s receptors. This gel is a simple salt-water solution, containing no harsh chemicals or anything that can damage your hair/skin.  All that you will typically feel is the slight cold sensation of the gel. This process will take about 15 minutes, and you get to relax and watch something of your choosing during this time.

Once I get all the gel applied and make sure each individual connection is proper, the actual treatment session can begin. Once the session begins, your only job now is to relax and listen to the music. That’s it! The EEG will be viewing your brains function “at rest” and when the targeted areas that we are focusing on hit a certain “good” criteria that we set, a musical reward will play. The music is typically an instrument of your choosing (piano, guitar, harp, ect.) and will play every time your brain is doing “good”. This acts as a reward system to the brain, telling it to act that way more often.

Often times, the biggest challenge for people about what to expect during a neurofeedback session is that you seriously, legitimately, honestly, totally get to chill and relax.  Your brain learns best in a calm, relaxed, “at rest” state, so trying to make anything happen with the reward will simply frustrate you and hinder the creation of new neuropathways toward to more optimal state!

The treatment session its self takes about 25-30 minutes (depending on your customized protocol) and throughout the whole session your only job is to relax and listen to the music. Since we are looking at your brain “at rest” when people “try” to hear the music it can actually make you not receive much feedback (music). Once the 25-30 minutes are up, that’s it, you’re all done! I will remove the cap (which is as simple as taking off any hat) and leave you with the only real negative about NeuroFeedback -- dirty hair. Since the gel is a simple salt water solution, it can be easily wiped off with a damp paper towel. A few minutes in front of the mirror and you’re good to go! If any is left in the hair, it dries with the consistency of a hair gel. It does not affect most people as they still feel clean enough to go shopping and run errands -- I just don’t recommend scheduling a date for immediately after!

That’s it, you are all done with your first NeuroFeedback session! Now you know what to expect during your neurofeedback appointment.  Each following session will be the exact same, so you will know what to expect every time.

People typically attended about 15 treatment sessions to help eliminate an issue. For the first four weeks you will come in twice a week, and then once a week for the remaining sessions. Now the 15 sessions are also just a general guideline, some people reach their goals in less and some take a few more. Once these sessions are completed, the benefits on the sessions should be long lasting and continue after you stop treatment. Depending on the case, some people choose to come back in for “refreshers” every 3 -6 months to make sure everything is as it should be, and that the networks are still how we want them.

NeuroFeedback Session Breakdown:

  • Have a seat and watch a video of your choosing.

  • I will apply the EEG cap to your head (~15 minutes).

  • Treatment session will begin (25-30 minutes) of listening to music to “train” your brain.

  • Take off the cap.

  • You’re all done!

Total Time 45 minutes to an hourIs neurofeedback for you? Call Harper Therapy at 813-434-3639 for a free consultation with our neurofeedback specialist, Ben!


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